辐射3 队友和特殊物品位置 入手方法
时间:2025-01-31 来源:本站 作者:佚名



道德: Evil

地点: Megaton (zone 8.03)

Requirement: Talk him into resuming his previous career as a warmonger. You

must give him 1,000 Caps to recruit him.

Summary: The very high cost to get him might make him not a good choice for a

companion; he’s alright in battle, just not 1,000 Caps good.


道德: Evil

地点: Paradise Falls (zone 2.08)

Requirement: Speak to Eulogy Jones and he’ll offer to sell Clover to you.

Summary: She is an absolute maniac in battle and will rip your enemies to

shreds. Get her ASAP.


道德: Neutral

地点: Rivet City (zone 9.15)

Requirement: Assuming that you didn’t go through with your urge to kill him in

Vault 101, you’ll find him during the Miscellaneous Quest:

Trouble On The Homefront. Make sure he’s alive, the Overseer is

not in power (either stepped down or dead), and you’ve sabotaged

the Vault, go to the Muddy Rudder bar in Rivet City and convince

him (shouldn’t be hard at all) to join you.

Summary: He’s alright in battle; basically more of a "nostalgic" feel to fight

with as he’s the one you grew up with.

Sergeant RL-3

道德: Neutral

地点: Wasteland near RobCo Factory (near zone 7.10)

Requirement: There’s a traveling robot salesman named Mister Tinker (or Tinker

Joe) that’s roaming the Wastelands near the RobCo Factory that

you can buy him from.

Summary: He’s pretty good in combat and will take a lot of damage so you won’t

have to. Also, he’s very accurate.


道德: Good

地点: Vault 87 (zone 4.06)

Requirement: He won’t join you immediately, but after you visit Vault 87,

he’ll be waiting for you.

Summary: Very, very good in battle. He’ll take out enemies quickly and you

can have fun sitting back and watching him have his "fun."

Star Paladin Cross

道德: Good

地点: The Citadel (zone 9.11)

Requirement: Speak to her and she’ll agree to accompany you on a detachment

mission as long as you keep your Good 道德.

Summary: She’s alright, a good fighter, but since you have Good 道德, it’d

be better to have Fawkes as your follower.


道德: Any

地点: Museum of History: Underworld (zone 17.07B)

Requirement: This is a Freeform Quest: Hired Help. Go to the Ninth Circle, and

Ahzrukhal will be there with his bodyguard Charon. You can do one

of two things to get his contract. First, you can buy his

contract for 2,000 Caps (1,000 if you’re skilled in Bartering).

Second, you can agree to kill one of Ahzrukhal’s rivals named

Greta, who is located in Carol’s place.

Summary: Definitely a great get. He’s an all-around killing machine that is

very good at killing your enemies. Plus he looks awesome.


道德: Any

地点: Just north of Megaton in the Scrapyard (near 8.03)

Requirement: From Megaton, go north past the river and you’ll find a Scrapyard

guarded by Raiders. He’ll be there mourning his previous master.

Approach him and he’ll join you.

Summary: Get him get him get him. Aside from the fact that you can have him as

a second follower, he’s great in combat against other humans, as

would be expected from an attack dog. Also, him scavenging for items

is a huge plus.

[XVIII.c] Special tricks you can use them for


Other than what is mentioned above, there are a few other special "perks" to

having followers around.

You can use your follower to tag on some of your baggage. That’s right, use his

or her or its strength to your advantage by giving the follower some of your

inventory! Don’t worry, they won’t steal it from you, after all you’re their

master in a way. If you’re getting close to being "over-encumbered," then shed

some of that encumbrance onto your follower. This is especially useful if you

want to go out looting and want to rake in a heavier profit.

If you can’t wear Power Armor yet and don’t have enough skill points, then just

give it to your follower to wear! It makes sure that your follower can help you

for a longer time, and because s/he’s wearing it, it literally lightens your

load and just like explained above, will let you have more stuff in your



地区的解释: 举例 valut106 在地区5,部分12, 写作5.12

1. Crow’s Eyebot Helmet

类型: 衣装

地区: 0.00

经纬: 不详

具体地点: Wasteland Mini-Encounter: Merchant Trader Caravan

具体细节: Freeform 任务: Merchant Empire. Reward from Crow

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2. Stabhappy Combat Knife

类型: 武器

地区: 0.21

经纬: 不详

具体地点: Mini-Encounter

具体细节: Any encounter involving Raiders; this might be dropped

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3. Firelance Alien Blaster

类型: 武器

地区: 0.17

经纬: 不详

具体地点: Mini-Encounter

具体细节: Falls from the sky, after unknown explosion

4. T-51b Power Armor

类型: 衣装

地区: 1.04

经纬: -17/26

具体地点: Fort Constantine

具体细节: Bomb storage, experimental chamber

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5. T-51b Power Helmet

类型: 衣装

地区: 1.04

经纬: -17/26

具体地点: Fort Constantine

具体细节: Bomb storage, experimental chamber

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6. Vengeance Gatling Laser

类型: 武器

地区: 1.07

经纬: -22/20

具体地点: Deathclaw Sanctuary

具体细节: Innermost chamber, in blood grotto

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7. Jack Ripper

类型: 武器

地区: 1.07

经纬: -22/20

具体地点: Deathclaw Sanctuary

具体细节: On the dead Enclave Soldier

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8. Reservist’s Rifle Sniper Rifle

类型: 武器

地区: 1.08

经纬: -19/19

具体地点: Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel

具体细节: Carried by the Drifter

9. Linden’s Outcast Power Armor

类型: 衣装

地区: 2.01

经纬: -03/28

具体地点: Oasis

具体细节: 支线 任务: Oasis. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10. Maple’s Garb

类型: 衣装

地区: 2.01

经纬: -03/28

具体地点: Oasis

具体细节: 支线 任务: Oasis. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

11. Poplar’s Hood

类型: 衣装

地区: 2.01

经纬: -03/28

具体地点: Oasis

具体细节: 支线 任务: Oasis. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

12. Bear Charm

类型: 衣装

地区: 2.01

经纬: -03/28

具体地点: Oasis

具体细节: Freeform 任务: Yew Got a New Friend. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

13. BOard of Education Nail Board

类型: 武器

地区: 2.04

经纬: 00/26

具体地点: Clifftop Shacks

具体细节: Inside one of the shacks next to a nightstand; a skeleton’s arm

is outstretched for it

14. Mesmetron

类型: 武器

地区: 2.08

经纬: -09/16

具体地点: Paradise falls

具体细节: 支线 任务: Strickly Business; given by Grouse

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

15. Vault 77 Jumpsuit

类型: 衣装

地区: 2.08

经纬: -09/16

具体地点: Paradise falls

具体细节: Located in the barracks

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16. The Break Pool Cue

类型: 武器

地区: 2.08

经纬: -09/16

具体地点: Paradise falls

具体细节: On the pool table by the roasting Brahmin

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17. Eulogy Jones’ Hat

类型: 衣装

地区: 2.08

经纬: -09/16

具体地点: Paradise falls

具体细节: On a table, inside Eulogy’s Pad

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18. Eulogy Jones’ Suit

类型: 衣装

地区: 2.08

经纬: -09/16

具体地点: Paradise falls

具体细节: 拥有人 Eulogy Jones

19. Boogeyman’s Hood

类型: 衣装

地区: 2.08

经纬: -09/16

具体地点: Paradise falls

具体细节: Freeform 任务: The Kid-Kidnapper. Reward from Eulogy Jones

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

20. Fisto! Power Fist

类型: 武器

地区: 2.09

经纬: 02/17

具体地点: MDPL-13 Power Station

具体细节: Foreman’s office

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21. Soil Stradivarius

类型: 衣装

地区: 3.01

经纬: 08/27

具体地点: Vault 92

具体细节: Sound testing, in the sealed recording studio

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22. Proto类型 Medic Power Armor

类型: 衣装

地区: 3.02

经纬: 10/26

具体地点: Old Olney

具体细节: On the body of the dead Brotherhood of Steel Initiate.

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23. Ol’ Painless Hunting Rifle

类型: 武器

地区: 3.03

经纬: 19/27

具体地点: The Republic of Dave

具体细节: Carried by Dave

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24. Torcher’s Helmet

类型: 衣装

地区: 4.03

经纬: -17/10

具体地点: MDPL Mass Relay Station

具体细节: Carried by Torcher

25. Fawkes’ Super Sledge

类型: 武器

地区: 4.06

经纬: -28/06

具体地点: Vault 87

具体细节: Carried by Fawkes

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26. Wazer Wifle Laser Rifle

类型: 武器

地区: 4.08

经纬: -26/02

具体地点: Little Lamplight

具体细节: Freeform 任务: Biwwy’s Wazer Wifle

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27. Occam’s Razor Combat Knife

类型: 武器

地区: 4.11

经纬: -18/-01

具体地点: Fort Bannister

具体细节: Taken from Commander Jabsco

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28. Victory Rifle Sniper Rifle

类型: 武器

地区: 4.E

经纬: -23/08

具体地点: Abandoned Shack

具体细节: In the shack locker, north of the Rockbreaker’s Gas Station

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29. Vance’s Longcoat 衣装

类型: 衣装

地区: 5.05

经纬: -01/07

具体地点: Meresti Trainyard

具体细节: 拥有人 Vance, leader of the Family

30. Vampire’s Edge Chinese Officer’s Sword

类型: 武器

地区: 5.05

经纬: -01/07

具体地点: Meresti Trainyard

具体细节: 支线 任务: Blood Ties: inside Vance’s sword cabinet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

31. Blackhawk Scaped .44 Magnum

类型: 武器

地区: 5.06

经纬: 01/08

具体地点: Agatha’s House

具体细节: 支线 任务: Agatha’s Song. Possible reward

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

32. Red’s Bandana

类型: 衣装

地区: 5.10

经纬: -04/03

具体地点: Big Town

具体细节: 拥有人 Red

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33. Timebomb’s Lucky 8-Ball

类型: 衣装

地区: 5.10

经纬: -04/03

具体地点: Big Town

具体细节: Given by Timebomb if you heal him and complete 支线

任务: Big Trouble in Big Town

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34. Makeshift Gas Mask

类型: 衣装

地区: 5.12

经纬: -09/01

具体地点: Vault 106

具体细节: Science Labs, in the small room across the hallway from the

larger server room

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35. Makeshift Gas Mask

类型: 衣装

地区: 5.12

经纬: -09/01

具体地点: Vault 106

具体细节: Science Labs, on the west end in a small connecting room near the

cave section.
